Queue is a Class or Interface? [2024]

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Have you ever wondered whether a queue is a class or an interface in Java? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of queues and explore the intricacies of this data structure. We’ll provide you with a comprehensive understanding of queues, including their history, implementation, and usage in Java. So, let’s get started and unravel the mysteries of queues!

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

A queue is not a class or an interface itself, but rather a data structure that can be implemented using various classes and interfaces in Java. The Java collections framework provides the Queue interface, which is extended by classes like ArrayDeque, LinkedList, and PriorityQueue. These classes implement the functionality of a queue and allow you to work with queue data structures in your Java programs.

Quick Tip: If you’re looking to explore different types of queues and their implementations, check out the Java Queue Interface – Programiz article for more information.

Quick Tips and Facts

  • A queue is a data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle.
  • The Java collections framework provides the Queue interface for implementing queues.
  • Classes like ArrayDeque, LinkedList, and PriorityQueue implement the Queue interface.
  • The Queue interface is extended by subinterfaces like Deque, BlockingQueue, and BlockingDeque.
  • To use the Queue interface in Java, you need to import the java.util.Queue package.

Now that we have a quick overview, let’s delve deeper into the background and implementation of queues in Java.

Background: Understanding Queues

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Before we dive into the implementation details, let’s take a moment to understand what a queue is. Imagine a queue of people waiting in line to buy tickets for a concert. The person who arrives first gets to buy the ticket first, and the person who arrives last has to wait until everyone in front of them has been served. This is the essence of a queue data structure – the first element to be inserted is the first one to be removed.

In computer science, a queue is a collection of elements that supports two main operations: adding an element to the end of the queue (enqueue) and removing an element from the front of the queue (dequeue). This data structure is widely used in various applications, such as task scheduling, message passing, and more.

Classes that Implement Queue

Video: Java Tutorial #50 – Java Queue Interface with Examples (Collections).

In Java, the Queue interface is implemented by several classes that provide different implementations of the queue data structure. Let’s take a look at some of these classes:

Class Name Description
ArrayDeque A resizable array-based implementation of the Deque interface, which extends the Queue interface.
LinkedList A doubly-linked list implementation that also implements the Deque interface.
PriorityQueue An unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap.

CHECK PRICE on: ArrayDeque, LinkedList, PriorityQueue

These classes provide different trade-offs in terms of performance, memory usage, and ordering of elements. Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the appropriate class to implement your queue.

Interfaces that Extend Queue

Video: #65 Need of Interface in Java.

In addition to the Queue interface, there are several subinterfaces that extend the Queue interface and provide additional functionality. These subinterfaces include:

  • Deque: A double-ended queue that allows insertion and removal of elements from both ends.
  • BlockingQueue: A queue that supports blocking operations when the queue is full or empty.
  • BlockingDeque: A double-ended queue that supports blocking operations.

These subinterfaces provide additional methods and features that can be useful in specific scenarios. If you need more advanced queue functionality, you can explore these subinterfaces and their implementations.

Working of Queue Data Structure

Video: Learn Queue data structures in 10 minutes ️.

To understand how a queue data structure works, let’s take a closer look at its underlying principles. As mentioned earlier, a queue follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. This means that the element that is inserted first will be the first one to be removed.

When you enqueue an element, it is added to the end of the queue. When you dequeue an element, it is removed from the front of the queue. This ensures that the order of elements is preserved, and the oldest element is always at the front.

How to Use Queue?

Video: Queue In Java Tutorial #66.

To use a queue in your Java programs, you need to import the java.util.Queue package. Once imported, you can create an instance of a queue using one of the implementing classes, such as ArrayDeque, LinkedList, or PriorityQueue.

Here’s an example of how to create a queue using the ArrayDeque class:

import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;

public class QueueExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Queue<String> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

        // Enqueue elements
        queue.add("Element 1");
        queue.add("Element 2");
        queue.add("Element 3");

        // Dequeue elements
        String element = queue.remove();
        System.out.println("Removed element: " + element);

In this example, we create a queue using the ArrayDeque class and add three elements to it. We then remove an element from the queue using the remove() method and print the removed element.

Methods of Queue

Video: Queue & Priority Queue Explained – Algorithms & Data Structures #19.

The Queue interface provides several methods for working with queues. Here are some commonly used methods:

  • add(element): Adds an element to the end of the queue. Throws an exception if the operation fails.
  • offer(element): Adds an element to the end of the queue. Returns true if the operation is successful, or false if it fails.
  • element(): Retrieves the element at the front of the queue without removing it. Throws an exception if the queue is empty.
  • peek(): Retrieves the element at the front of the queue without removing it. Returns null if the queue is empty.
  • remove(): Removes and returns the element at the front of the queue. Throws an exception if the queue is empty.
  • poll(): Removes and returns the element at the front of the queue. Returns null if the queue is empty.

These methods allow you to perform common operations on queues, such as adding elements, removing elements, and retrieving the front element.

Implementation of the Queue Interface

Video: Queue Interface In Java | Implementing Queue Interface In Java | Java Collections | Intellipaat.

Now that we have covered the basics of queues and their usage in Java, let’s take a closer look at how the Queue interface is implemented by the various classes.

ArrayDeque Implementation

The ArrayDeque class provides a resizable array-based implementation of the Deque interface, which extends the Queue interface. It allows elements to be added and removed from both ends of the deque.

LinkedList Implementation

The LinkedList class is a doubly-linked list implementation that also implements the Deque interface. It provides efficient insertion and removal of elements at both ends of the list.

PriorityQueue Implementation

The PriorityQueue class is an unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap. Elements are ordered based on their natural ordering or a custom comparator.

Each of these implementations has its own advantages and trade-offs. Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the appropriate implementation for your queue.


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Is queue a Collection interface?

No, a queue is not a Collection interface itself. However, the Queue interface is a subinterface of the Collection interface. This means that a queue can be treated as a collection of elements, but it provides additional functionality specific to queues.

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What is a queue in Java?

In Java, a queue is a data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. It allows elements to be added to the end of the queue and removed from the front of the queue. The Java collections framework provides the Queue interface and several implementing classes for working with queues.

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What is queue vs list interface?

The Queue interface and the List interface are both subinterfaces of the Collection interface in Java. However, they represent different types of data structures.

A queue is a data structure that follows the FIFO principle, where elements are added to the end of the queue and removed from the front. On the other hand, a list is a data structure that allows elements to be inserted and accessed at any position.

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What kind of a data structure does a queue represent?

A queue represents a linear data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. It can be visualized as a line of elements, where the first element to be inserted is the first one to be removed.


people sitting on brown wooden chairs

In conclusion, a queue is not a class or an interface itself, but rather a data structure that can be implemented using various classes and interfaces in Java. The Java collections framework provides the Queue interface, which is implemented by classes like ArrayDeque, LinkedList, and PriorityQueue. These classes allow you to work with queue data structures in your Java programs, providing different trade-offs in terms of performance and functionality.

If you’re looking to explore more about queues and their implementations, check out the Java Queue Interface – Programiz article for more information.

CHECK PRICE on: ArrayDeque | LinkedList | PriorityQueue | Java Queue Interface – Programiz


Jacob is a software engineer with over 2 decades of experience in the field. His experience ranges from working in fortune 500 retailers, to software startups as diverse as the the medical or gaming industries. He has full stack experience and has even developed a number of successful mobile apps and games.

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