Best Visual Studio Code Extensions

The following are some of our favorite extensions for Visual Studio Code:

  • Beautify or Prettier – Beautify javascript, JSON, CSS, Sass, and HTML in Visual Studio Code.
  • Cordova Tools – Debug on a mobile emulator or a physical mobile device from directly inside of VS Code. The setup for this can be a little tricky.
  • GitLense – Very handy for being able to see Git history without leaving the code.
  • Angular Language Service – dynamic code hints for Angular templates.
  • Angular Snippets – adds snippets for Angular for TypeScript and HTML.
  • Back and Forth – great way to add a back button to your code editor (similar to Xcode), so you can get back to the last file you were looking at.
  • Bracket Pair Colorizier – make your bracket pairs easier to see!
  • Material Icon Theme – style your icons like Material Design.
  • Nx Console – essential for working with Nx monorepo projects.
  • Debugger for Chrome – debug your JavaScript code in the Chrome browser, or any other target that supports the Chrome Debugger protocol.
  • Rest Client – allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly.
  • Live Server – launch a local development server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
  • Peacock – subtly change the workspace color of your workspace. Ideal when you have multiple VS Code instances and you want to quickly identify which is which.

Have some more favorites we didn’t mention? Please drop them in the comments below.


Jacob is a software engineer with over 2 decades of experience in the field. His experience ranges from working in fortune 500 retailers, to software startups as diverse as the the medical or gaming industries. He has full stack experience and has even developed a number of successful mobile apps and games.

Articles: 173

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