Stack Class in Java: Mastering the Last-In-First-Out Data Structure [2024] 🤯

Video: Stack Java Tutorial #65.

Imagine a magician pulling a rabbit out of their hat. The rabbit wasn’t magically created – it was sitting in the hat all along, discreetly waiting its turn. That’s like a stack – the last element added is the first one to be retrieved. Today, we’ll explore the fascinating world of stacks, a fundamental data structure in Java and many other programming languages. We’ll walk you through the basics, uncover real-world applications, and equip you with the tools to confidently implement stacks in your code. Are you ready to “stack” your knowledge and become a master of this potent data structure?

Quick Answer

  • Stacks are Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structures, meaning the last element added is the first one to be removed.
  • The java.util.Stack class in Java provides methods for manipulating stacks, but ArrayDeque is generally preferred for its efficiency and broader functionalities.
  • Stacks have numerous applications, from managing function call stacks to implementing undo/redo functionality.
  • Stacks are a foundation for more advanced data structures, like trees, graphs, and heaps.

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Table of Contents

  1. Quick Tips and Facts
  2. The Evolution of Data Structures: From Simple Arrays to the Robust Stack
  3. Stack: A Peek into the World of LIFO Data Structures
  4. Understanding the Mechanics of the Stack: Push, Pop, Peek, and More
  5. Class Stack<E>: Your Gateway to Stack Functionality in Java
  6. Real-World Applications: Where Stacks Shine Bright
  7. Stack Implementation: Choosing the Right Data Structure for Your Needs
  8. Stacks and Their Relationship with Queues
  9. Stack: A Foundation for Advanced Data Structures
  10. Beyond Java: Exploring Stacks in Other Programming Languages
  11. Conclusion
  12. Recommended Links
  13. FAQ
  14. Reference Links

Quick Tips and Facts

  • Stack: A Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure where the last element added is the first one to be removed. Think of it like a stack of dishes – the last plate you put on top is the first one you take off.
  • Real-World Examples: Stacks are used in various ways, from undo/redo functionality in text editors to function call stacks in programming languages.
  • Java Stack: In Java, you can use java.util.Stack class to implement a stack data structure. However, the Deque interface and its implementations like ArrayDeque are generally preferred for their efficiency and broader functionalities.
  • Think of it like a Stack of Plates: If you’re having trouble visualizing it, consider a stack of plates – the last plate you placed on top will be the first plate you remove.

The Evolution of Data Structures: From Simple Arrays to the Robust Stack

Video: Learn Stack data structures in 10 minutes .

Data structures are the building blocks of any computer program, allowing us to efficiently manage and organize data. You might remember arrays from your early days of coding – they’re like numbered containers for storing elements. Arrays are simple, but they lack the dynamic flexibility needed for more complex scenarios. Imagine trying to insert an element into the middle of a packed array – it would mean shuffling the rest of the elements, which could be a performance nightmare.

This is where stacks came into play. Unlike arrays, stacks are dynamic, allowing for efficient addition and removal of elements on the same end – the top of the stack. This “Last-In-First-Out” (LIFO) principle makes stacks ideal for situations where we need to constantly process elements in a specific order, like backtracking algorithms or undo/redo functionality.

Stack: A Peek into the World of LIFO Data Structures

Video: Data Structure and Algorithm: Stack and Stack Operations.

Imagine a cashier at a grocery store processing transactions. First, they scan the items from the customer’s bag, one by one, and store them in a temporary holding area. Now, this area is not just any random space – it follows a specific rule: the last item scanned goes on top of the holding area, and when the cashier is ready to process the payment, they’ll take the topmost item and process it first. This is exactly how a stack works!

Here’s a breakdown of how stacks operate:

  • LIFO Principle: The Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle is the key to understanding stacks. Imagine a stack of books. You place one book on top at a time. To access a book, you need to remove the ones on top of it, starting with the last one you placed.
  • Push: Adding an element to the top of the stack. It’s like placing a book on top of the pile.
  • Pop: Removing and returning the element at the top of the stack. It’s like taking the top book from the pile.
  • Peek: Accessing the top element without removing it. It’s like looking at the top book without removing it.
  • Empty: Checking if the stack is empty. It’s like seeing if there are any books left in the pile.

Think about it this way: Stacks are like a stack of dishes. When you add a dish, it goes on top. When you remove a dish, you take the one on top.

Understanding the Mechanics of the Stack: Push, Pop, Peek, and More

Video: #10 Stack Implementation using Java Part 1 | Push Pop Peek Methods.

Let’s continue with our cashier analogy. Imagine that the cashier has already scanned a few items and they’re waiting in the temporary holding area – our stack.

  • Push: The customer adds another item – a bag of chips – to their bag. The cashier scans it and the bag of chips is placed on top of the stack, becoming the most recent item in the holding area.
  • Pop: The cashier is ready to process the payment and takes the topmost item from their temporary holding area – a candy bar – to process it first.
  • Peek: The cashier wants to check the next item up – a loaf of bread – to see if it’s ready for payment. But they don’t want to remove it just yet, so they “peek” at it.
  • Empty: After finishing all the items, the stack is empty – there are no more items waiting to be processed.

These basic operations – push, pop, peek, and empty – form the foundation of working with stacks. They allow us to maintain a specific order while adding and removing elements.

Class Stack<E>: Your Gateway to Stack Functionality in Java

Video: Java Stack.

Java offers a Stack class in the java.util package to implement stack functionality. This class provides methods that allow us to work with stacks in Java.

Here are some of the key methods offered by Stack<E>:

Methods Description
push(E item) Adds an element (item) to the top of the stack.
pop() Removes and returns the element at the top of the stack.
peek() Returns the element at the top of the stack without removing it.
empty() Checks if the stack is empty and returns true if it is, false otherwise.
search(Object o) Returns the 1-based positional distance of the element o from the top of the stack, or -1 if not found.


import java.util.Stack;

public class StackExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Stack<String> myStack = new Stack<>();

        // Push some elements onto the stack

        // Peek at the top element
        System.out.println("Top element: " + myStack.peek()); // Output: Cherry

        // Pop the top element
        System.out.println("Popped element: " + myStack.pop()); // Output: Cherry

        // Check if the stack is empty
        System.out.println("Stack is empty: " + myStack.empty()); // Output: false

Remember, although the Stack<E> class is available in Java, it’s generally recommended to use the Deque interface and its implementations like ArrayDeque because of their more robust and efficient nature.

Now, let’s talk about the applications of stacks, where they shine bright!

Real-World Applications: Where Stacks Shine Bright

Video: Data structure Real Life Example of Stack 2019.

Stacks are incredibly versatile and have numerous applications in various areas of computer science, from programming languages to algorithms:

1. Function Call Stacks: How does your computer keep track of all the functions you call in your code? That’s where the function call stack comes in, which is implemented using a stack data structure. Every time you call a function, it’s placed on top of the stack. When the function finishes, it’s popped off the stack. This allows the computer to keep track of the order in which functions are called and how they should return values.

2. Undo/Redo Functionality: Have you ever used the “undo” button in a text editor or a graphics program? This feature is possible thanks to stacks! Every time you make a change, it’s pushed onto a stack. Clicking “undo” pops the last change from the stack, reversing the action. The “redo” button is similar, pushing back the undone changes onto the stack.

3. Expression Evaluation: How do computers evaluate mathematical expressions? Stacks play a crucial role in this process. Let’s take an infix expression like “(2 + 3) * 4”. To evaluate it, we use two stacks: one for operands (2, 3, 4) and one for operators (+, *). By manipulating these stacks, a computer can efficiently evaluate the expression.

4. Backtracking Algorithms: Many algorithms, like solving puzzles or searching mazes, use a backtracking approach. It involves exploring different possibilities, and if a path leads to a dead end, we “backtrack” and try another path. Stacks are crucial to keep track of the paths we’ve explored, allowing us to efficiently backtrack when needed.

5. Browser History: Did you know that your browser maintains a history of the web pages you’ve visited? This history is implemented using a stack! When you visit a new page, it’s pushed onto the stack. Clicking the “Back” button pops the last visited page from the stack. You can think of it as a stack of web pages you’ve been to.

These are just a few examples of how stacks are used in real-world applications. As you can see, stacks are essential for various tasks that require maintaining order, managing state, and implementing specific functionalities.

Stack Implementation: Choosing the Right Data Structure for Your Needs

Video: 2436 – Chapter 3 Stack Interface, ArrayStack Implementation.

Now that we understand the importance of stacks, you might wonder: “How do I actually implement a stack?” Java offers different ways to create and manage stacks, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

Here’s a comparison table of different stack implementations in Java:

Stack Implementation Advantages Disadvantages
java.util.Stack Simple to use, readily available Less efficient (extends Vector class)
ArrayDeque Efficient for stack operations
LinkedList Flexible for other list operations Less efficient for stack operations

java.util.Stack is the simplest and most readily available option. However, it’s not the most efficient because it extends the Vector class, which is designed for more general list operations.

For efficient stack operations, ArrayDeque is the preferred choice. It’s specifically designed for dequeues (double-ended queues) and excels at both queue and stack operations.

LinkedList is a flexible option, allowing for other list operations like insertion and removal at different positions. However, its performance for stack operations can be less efficient compared to ArrayDeque.

The choice between these implementations depends on your specific needs:

  • If you need a simple and readily available stack implementation, Stack is a good choice.
  • If you need the most efficient stack implementation, ArrayDeque is the preferred choice.
  • If you need a flexible data structure that can handle both stack and list operations, LinkedList is a good option.

Remember, choosing the right data structure can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of your code. Always consider your specific needs and choose the implementation that best fits your use case.

Stacks and Their Relationship with Queues

Video: Introduction to Stacks.

Stacks and queues are two fundamental data structures that share similarities but have crucial differences.

  • Stacks: Follow the LIFO principle, where the last element added is the first one to be removed.
  • Queues: Follow the FIFO principle, where the first element added is the first one to be removed. Think about a line for a ride at an amusement park – the first people to join the line get to ride first, even if more people join after them.

We can visualize the difference like this:


    Element 4
    Element 3
    Element 2
    Element 1


    Element 1
    Element 2
    Element 3
    Element 4

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences between stacks and queues:

Feature Stack Queue
Access LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) FIFO (First-In-First-Out)
Analogy Stack of plates, books in a pile Line at an amusement park, people waiting for a bus
Operations Push (Add element), Pop (Remove element), Peek (View top element) Enqueue (Add element), Dequeue (Remove element), Peek (View front element)
Applications Function call stacks, undo/redo functionality, backtracking algorithms Operating system scheduling, managing buffers, processing requests

Understanding the differences between stacks and queues is essential for selecting the right data structure for your specific needs.

Stack: A Foundation for Advanced Data Structures

Video: Data Structures: Stacks and Queues.

Stacks might seem like a simple data structure, but they are essential building blocks for more advanced data structures, including:

  • Trees: Trees are hierarchical data structures that can represent relationships between nodes. Stacks can be used to implement various tree traversal algorithms, allowing us to efficiently explore each node in a tree.
  • Graphs: Graphs are more general data structures that allow for complex connections between nodes. Stacks are used in algorithms like depth-first search, which explores a graph by systematically following paths and going back to previous nodes if a path leads to a dead end.
  • Heaps: Heaps are special trees that satisfy a specific property related to the ordering of their nodes. Stacks can be used to implement algorithms like heapsort, which sorts elements based on their priority.

Learning stacks is a crucial stepping stone to mastering more complex data structures. Once you understand how stacks work, you’ll have the foundation to explore these advanced data structures and their applications in various areas of computer science.

Beyond Java: Exploring Stacks in Other Programming Languages

Video: Hands on Java – Stacks Explained – Day 6.

While we’ve focused on Java stacks in this article, stacks are fundamental data structures that are available in most programming languages.

  • C++ uses the std::stack container, which offers a similar interface to Java’s Stack class.
  • Python uses the list data structure to implement stacks, leveraging the append and pop methods for stack operations.
  • JavaScript also leverages arrays to implement stacks, using the push and pop methods.

Stacks are a core concept in many programming languages, making the concepts covered here applicable even as you explore other languages in the future.

So, what have we learned so far?


black framed eyeglasses beside spiral notebook

Stacks are a fundamental data structure with numerous applications in computer science. They are crucial for managing the order of operations, implementing backtracking algorithms, and even keeping track of browser history. We’ve explored the basics of stack functionality and how to implement them in Java, with the help of the Stack<E> class (although we highly recommend using ArrayDeque for its efficiency and robust capabilities). Remember that stacks are a building block for more complex data structures like trees, graphs, and heaps, which you can explore as you delve deeper into the world of computer science. 👍

👉 Shop Stacks (and related Java development resources):


person standing on stage

What is a stack class in Java?

In Java, the java.util.Stack class is a specialized implementation of the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure. Think of it like a stack of plates – the last plate you placed on top will be the first plate you remove.

Why is the Stack class generally not preferred in Java?

The Stack class in Java is a legacy class that extends Vector, which is designed for more general list operations. This can lead to performance issues for stack-specific operations, especially in scenarios where efficiency is paramount.

What should I use instead of the Stack class?

The Deque interface and its implementations like ArrayDeque are generally preferred for stack operations in Java. They are specifically designed for double-ended queues and offer more efficient and robust functionality for both stack and queue operations.

Read more about “What is a Stack in Data Structure? … 📚”

What is a class stack?

A class stack, such as the java.util.Stack class in Java, is a software representation of a stack data structure. Stacks are a fundamental data structure in computer science, and they are used in various applications like undo/redo functionality, function call management, and algorithm implementation.

Read more about “What is the Stack Method in Java? … 🚀”

Is stack class synchronized in Java?

The java.util.Stack class in Java is synchronized, meaning that it provides thread-safe operations. This means that multiple threads can access and modify the stack concurrently without causing data corruption.

Read more about “Is Stack Deprecated in Java? …”

What is the difference between stack and vector classes in Java?

The key difference between the Stack and Vector classes in Java lies in their data structure implementations and the order of element access:

  • Stack: Implements a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure, meaning elements are accessed and removed in the reverse order of how they were added. It extends the Vector class and uses its methods for manipulating the underlying data structure, but it only exposes methods that are specific to the LIFO behavior.

  • Vector: Implements a dynamic array data structure. Elements can be accessed and manipulated in any order, as they are stored in a contiguous array-like structure. It’s more of a general-purpose data structure designed for holding and manipulating collections of objects, while the Stack class specializes in the LIFO behavior. 👍

Read more about “What is the Stack in Java? … 🚀”


Jacob is a software engineer with over 2 decades of experience in the field. His experience ranges from working in fortune 500 retailers, to software startups as diverse as the the medical or gaming industries. He has full stack experience and has even developed a number of successful mobile apps and games.

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